Onsite Meter Proving

Onsite Meter Proving

Regular meter proving plays a critical role in pipeline and refinery operations. Flow meters in custody transfer applications are often referred to as the “cash registers” of the industry. It is for this reason that meter accuracy is of the utmost importance. Liquid flow meters can vary largely in size, manufacturer and method of operation. With our large fleet of small volume provers, we offer onsite proving services for Turbine, Coriolis, Displacement or Ultrasonic flow meters. Flow rates up to 7000 bph and ANSI rating from 150-900 allows us to provide service in a number of applications.

Onsite Proving for Flow & Density Meters

• Volume or Mass
• SVP (3” to 6” load arms)
• SVP (2” to 4” hoses)
• SVP (4” load rack hoses)
• Master Meter (.5” to 4”)
• ANSI 150 to 900
• Flow Rates up to 7000 bph
• Density proving method per API MPMS 9.4

Natural Gas Field Services

Coastal Flow’s measurement technicians are equipped to test and repair most electronic and mechanical orifice meters and maintain a substantial inventory of materials and supplies to meet our customer’s needs onsite. Services include:

• Repair
• Measurement Equipment Installation
• Gas Sampling
• Liquid Sampling

Measurement technicians also provide witness testing services; we can monitor all physical, chemical, or calibration tests performed by the purchaser that can affect your measurement price or the determination of gas quality. Technicians record and archive all Test Reports in TESTit for easy import into FLOWCAL.

Flow Meter Calibrations

Flow Meter Calibrations

Flow Meter Calibrations are the foundation of liquid measurement. Incorrect calibrations have an impact from the meter to the financial statement. Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement continues our commitment to excellence in measurement by achieving ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation for the flow laboratory. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is the leading worldwide standard for calibrations and testing laboratories. This additional accreditation is further confirmation of Coastal Flow’s ability and technical competence in the calibration and proving of meters.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Certified Flow Lab Meter Calibration And Repair

• New Caney, TX lab rates to 2000 bph
• La Vernia, TX lab rates to 600 bph
• Micro Motion, Brodie, Faur Herman authorized meter sales and calibration services

Prover Maintenance And Calibration

Prover Calibrations (Waterdraws) are the foundation of liquid measurement. If your calibrations are incorrect, your meters and balances are not accurate. Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement continues our unwavering commitment to excellence in measurement by achieving ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation – the leading worldwide standard for calibrations and testing laboratories. This accreditation is a further confirmation of Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement’s ability and technical competence in the calibration of displacement provers.

Prover Maintenance & Service

• At your location or in our facility
• Service & Maintenance for Flow MD, Calibron & Daniel/Brooks Small Volume Provers

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Certified Prover Calibration (Waterdraw)

• At your location or in our facility
• Gravimetric method (SVP and up to 10 bbl Ball Provers)
• Master Meter method (10 bbl and above)

Montana water draw
Coastal Flow Accreditation

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Certified Pycnometer, Pressure and Temperature Instrument Calibrations

Instrumentation equipment is critical to the accuracy of any measurement application. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation ensures that we provide the highest standard of certification to our customers. These certifications include thermometers, pressure gauges, and high pressure pycnometers. We also provide certification services for lab scales and weights.

Density plays a vital role in numerous refinery and pipeline processes. Custody transfer applications, quality assurance, and batch control are just a few examples that highlight the necessity for accurate density measurement. The use of the pycnometer is considered in the industry to be the superior method for density meter proving, especially in light hydrocarbon applications. The CFLM Pycnometer Recertification procedure complies with API MPMS 9.4 and is proven to provide the highest degree of accuracy and the lowest uncertainty.

• Pycnometer Repair and Recertification
• Scales and Weights Recertification
• Complete Pycnometer Packages available

Fully Automated Water Injection

Utilizes live values from mainline flow to maintain a much more stable injection ratio
Minimizes errors due to unforeseen changes in flow rate
Actual injection ratio is monitored and recorded throughout entire test
Compliance with API MPMS 8.2 & 8.3
Clear and easy to read reporting – Auxiliary data displayed for quick reference/diagnostics
Sample Pot Certification

Automated Water Injection Certification

• Sample Pot Certification
• API Compliant
• API MPMS 10.9; API MPMS 8.3; API MPMS 8.2

Fully Automated Water Injection
Products & Service Workshops

Products & Service Workshops

At Coastal Flow Measurement, we have worked tirelessly for over 45 years to be the industry’s leading provider of gas and liquid measurement services. We demonstrate this commitment daily by safely and consistently delivering superior customer service, innovation, quality, and dedication to our customers. Our goal is to continually move forward with expert knowledge, the latest advancements and with superior products in order to best meet the needs of our clients in every way possible.

• Educational ISO Lab Tours
• Fully Customizable Lunch and Learn Sessions

©2025 Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement, Inc. and Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., entities of Quorum Business Solutions, Inc.

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