Well-Safe Solutions, the international well decommissioning specialist, has been brought in to support the decommissioning of two wells that have been suspended in BP’s Kate field in the North Sea.

The company said that the scope of work at the field, some 136 miles from Aberdeen, includes well engineering support services using its bespoke Well Decommissioning Delivery Process (WDDP). The work is said to be executed from the Noble Innovator jack-up vessel in the second quarter of 2023. 

“We are very much looking forward to supporting BP with this work scope, which involves detailed subsurface and well engineering basis of design studies ideally suited to our specialist capabilities,” Ruth Thomas, Subsurface Team Lead at Well-Safe Solutions, said.

Thomas further said that Well-Safe Solutions will be instrumental in establishing and evaluating key subsurface isolation criteria including identifying and quantifying zones of flow potential and risks associated with redevelopment.

“In addition, we will also examine existing barriers and optimize the barrier strategy, taking into account the attributes of the region to safely and efficiently deliver this project,” Thomas said.

Well-Safe Solutions personnel will work alongside BP staff throughout, realizing the decommissioning company’s promise to provide safe, smart, and efficient well decommissioning through collaboration, the statement reads.

“The Well Decommissioning Delivery Process (WDDP) guides operators through the well plug and abandonment process efficiently and effectively, without the extended commitments and high costs historically associated with engineering resources over long periods,” said, James Richards, Well Abandonment Director at Well-Safe Solutions.

“The WDDP is built to realize the benefits of capturing, retaining and sharing of knowledge between our personnel, clients and stakeholders,” Richards added.

This deal is the latest in a busy year for Well-Safe Solutions, as it prepares for the mobilization of the Well-Safe Defender and the fitting out of the Well-Safe Guardian with a bespoke dive spread system by summer 2023, the company said.

To contact the author, email andreson.n.paul@gmail.com


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