
Undoubtedly, each morning begins with a routine of checking key metrics to ensure well production is happening as planned. If you are a production engineer, this could include checking real-time monitoring for alarms or values outside of the norm. For production analysts, you could be reviewing the previous 24 hours of allocations data and verifying pumper information. In both scenarios, quickly finding and resolving exceptions is part of your every-day work.

This approach is known as management by exception, and before we go any further, let’s consider a definition to make sure we are all on the same page…

Manage by exception: a proactive approach, using a combination of automated and non-automated data, for quickly identifying maintenance and production issues to get the right people to the right wells at the right time.

With that in mind, this blog post shows you how myQuorum Production Operations helps you take this approach and effortlessly perform these daily tasks.

Production Engineers – Which wells need your immediate attention?

What alarms went out in the last 24 hours?

You can acknowledge, confirm, or escalate alarms to the next available field person based on a hierarchy of call-outs and automated messages.

Are there any wells not polling?

See which locations are not polling and when the last time they successfully transmitted data.

Not everything you see comes from real-time data.

You can also view manual note counts that provide context to any issues in the field.

Production Analysts – Is reporting accurate today?

Are there any exceptions or negative values that need clearing?  

View every well’s production breakdown within a division. Sort for negative or exception values to understand what needs your attention first.

The exception dashboard will notify you of all values outside a pre-defined range.

Once you clear the dashboard, you can be comfortable that the data is ready to report to management.

Even if you are not in the application, you can receive reports highlighting exceptions that need to be cleared.

You can schedule these reports to auto-email daily, weekly, or monthly.

Production Managers – How are my wells performing against the forecast?

How is this well trending?

View well performance with notes, treatments, and inspection history included. This helps give context around production dips and spikes.

How are we performing against the forecast?

See performance compared to oil and gas targets on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

By pairing manually entered data with real-time SCADA, organizations can create a centralized view of their operations that empowers engineers, analysts, and managers to work collaboratively to remedy field and data issues as they happen. Ultimately, this gives your team the information and insights to reach your production goals.

To see the full workflows mentioned in this blog post, check out the free webinar (below) where our production expert, Brett Hume, shows you how to manage by exception.

Watch Webinar

#Manage #Exception #myQuorum #Production #Operations


©2025 Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement, Inc. and Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., entities of Quorum Business Solutions, Inc.

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